Have you already implemented your Channel Manager? Then we have some questions to you:

  • Do you know that Russia, Ukraine and China have their own, large and small, analogues of Booking.com or TripAdvisor?
  • Does your Channel Manager work with these platforms?
  • How many potential booking requests have you already lost?

Do you want to increase your occupancy rate and your profits without major modifications of your current model? An optimization of your Channel Manager is the simplest answer to these questions.

You don't have a Channel Manager yet? Then we are ready to counsel you and tell you, how:

  • you can simultaneously control all your sales online, without activating a dozen of sale and booking systems;
  • you can work by an overall quota without unnecessarily splitting your stock of rooms;
  • to work with a minimal number of calls.

We are ready to advise you on questions about the purchase of a Channel Manager – your investments will work at 200%.

Do you want to start right now?